13 on-site bike tests for your bicycle inspection checklist | Spoke Herd India | Events / Rides / Shop / SpokePedia / Rentals / Marketplace
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13 on-site bike tests for your bicycle inspection checklist

We're only kidding—of course you know that already. But if you've never taken the time to look at your bicycle, you might not know some of its most important features and how to keep them safe.

13 on-site bike tests for your bicycle inspection checklist
Written by Editorial

When you're a bike manufacturer, it's crucial to check your products after they've been assembled and before they go out the door. But even if you're just a consumer looking to get a new bike, it's important to know what's going on with your new ride.

Whether you're buying a new road bike or a mountain bike—or maybe just want to make sure that your old one still works!—you should take some time this month to inspect your bicycle for defects and make sure it works properly.

It's time to get your bike in check. We're only kidding—of course you know that already. But if you've never taken the time to look at your bicycle, you might not know some of its most important features and how to keep them safe. Here are 13 on-site bike tests for your inspection checklist that will help keep your product safety and quality in check:

1. Bike stability test - This test determines how well the front and rear brakes function, as well as how well the chain keeps tension and braking surfaces.

2. Chain tension test - This test determines whether the drivetrain is properly aligned and free from excessive wear or damage.

3. Brake pad wear test - this test determines whether the brake pads are worn out or damaged, which can affect performance and safety. Just put your foot on the pedal and see if it stops moving when you apply pressure. If not, it might be time for some new parts!

4. Pedal alignment check - This test determines if each pedal is fully seated in its bore, so there's no play between them as you pedal up or down hills.

5. Frame alignment check - This test measures whether all frame components are properly aligned, including the seat post and handlebars -- a misaligned frame can lead to accidents when it comes down to one person being at fault for an accident while another person is injured because they didn't know how poorly their frames were aligned until after the incident.

6. Assembly and full function checks - Make sure all parts are present and accounted for, including pedals, handlebars, Seatpost, front wheel, rear wheel, and chain.

7. Check for loose bolts - You can feel around the frame for loose bolts or screws that need tightening before riding (and after riding too!). Look for any rust around them as well, which could indicate leaks from water or dirt build-up over time. You can also do a quick test ride to check how well they work. This can help catch any problems before they become real problems!

8. Check chain tension - This one's also easy: just take hold of both ends of the chain at once and pull them apart until they feel taut against each other. Does one end feel stronger than the other? That means there's slack in either chainring or cassette (or both!). If so, consider replacing both components before taking off on your first ride!

9. Riding test - Ride your bike as normal until you encounter any issue or difficulty—whether it's a flat tire or an uncomfortable seat.

10. Look at tires for cracks or damage - When inspecting a set of tires, look for cracks in the sidewalls and wear on the treads. Make sure you feel comfortable with your inspection technique—you may have to spin the wheel to check if it turns freely before pulling down the seat and inspecting further.

11. Pull down the seat and inspect for any cracks or damage - Check for any cracks or damage by pulling on each side of it under the seat. If there are any problems with this aspect of your product, replace it before your riding begins.

12. Noise and abnormal sound check - Listen for any unusual sounds coming from your bike (for example squeaks or rattles). If you hear anything unusual, take note of where the noise is coming from so that maintenance can take care of the problem quickly when they arrive later that day or week!

13. Label rub test - Did you know that the labels on your bike could be the source of its greatest damage? That's right—the labels are where it all begins.

The labels are made from a material that doesn't withstand the elements well, so if you're going to be riding your bike outside in cold weather, or even just to and from work, we highly recommend checking to make sure your labels are still safe and secure.

To test for label damage, rub them with your finger and look for any change in color or texture. If there's a change at all, then you should replace them immediately.

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Spokeherd cycling community is varied and expanding and we remember that not all bikers are created equal. We've all heard the cliche of the "crazy biker man" or the "Lycra-clad bike messenger," but that's not who we are. We are a group of individuals that cherish cycling as much as we cherish ourselves, and we want to impart that passion to you.

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