Hand soreness is one of the most common complaints of cyclists, and it mainly arises because of ulnar nerve compression. This ulnar nerve runs through your ring finger and little finger, thus, leaving behind numbness, pain and a reddish zone. Moreover, if you do nothing about it, it can weaken your hand and make it tough for you to change the gear.
Apart from this, compression of the nerve can also take place by hypertension of the wrist. For example, you will feel the compression when you are riding in the drops for stretched hours. The other reasons for hand soreness are as follows.
Reasons that can lead to hand sores
Sometimes it is not about how you hold the bike. The main reason for hand sores is the uneven weight distribution. In other words, if the weight of your body is not distributed properly over the bike, it can put pressure on your hand rather than the saddle.
On the other hand, if the saddle of your cycle is too high or far down, it can dump a lot of pressure on your hand. So, it is necessary you get a saddle of perfect size and angle.
Not to forget, if the hand placement on the cycle’s handlebar is wider than your shoulder, then people usually tend to roll out their wrist. As a result, there’s too much pressure on the meat part of the palm. Remember, this is where the ulnar nerve passes through. So, you are left with a numbing and tingling sensation in the ring and a small finger.
Five ways to prevent hand soreness
We have five simple tips to avoid soreness during riding a bike and make your experience comforting:
One - Adjust your bike for a proper weight distribution situation
As we know, one of the main culprits behind hand sores is uneven pressure. So, make sure you adjust your sitting to distribute your weight evenly. Also, check that your wrist is in line with the forearm. So, that there is a perfect curl of your finger over the brakes. Otherwise, the wrist will get crocked up when trying to apply the brake.
Two - Check your riding position
Many hands and wrist problems also arise from the wrong riding position. So, make sure to ride the bike in a position in which your hands and wrist feel comfortable. For the purpose, first, stand your bike with the help of a wall, then ask a mate to help you hop on the bike.
Next, adjust the saddle to reach a comfortable height and sit in a way that your feet are in level with the pedal. Lastly, hold the bars as you do when you ride the bike. At this point, make sure your arms are aligned with no curves on your hand and wrist.
However, if you feel your hand is bent in an unusual way, there is a 99% chance that your body weight will cause compression on the median and ulnar nerves. So, to overcome it try to relax the shoulder and bending your elbows a little. It will definitely reduce pressure from your hand.
Three - Setting up the Cockpit
One of the major causes adding to hand soreness is incorrect cock-pit set-up. So, when you are in the same position riding the bike with your palm in the bars, ask a simple question to yourself. Do you feel the brake levels are too far away or backward? Also, is the dropper remote too reached out to you? If the answers are yes! It will be good to know that only a minor adjustment of the remotes and levers can prevent these awkward positions.
Four - Gloves and bar tape to the rescue
Gloves are a huge part of the cycling tips, and why not because it helps you from being worn out. In other words, it prevents the palm from getting painful rashes after a fall. However, padded gloves benefit you in more ways it also helps alleviate wrist pain. In addition, padding the base of your thumb helps prevent ulnar nerves from getting pressurized and avoids soreness.
On the other hand, padded bar tape with foam and gel underneath can give your hand extra protection against road vibration. Thus, reducing a lot of hand pain factors.
Five - Changing position every few minutes
Studies say that changing your riding position every few minutes reduces your chance of getting hands sored. For example, after cycling in a position for 15-20 minutes, stand up for few seconds.
If you are interested in getting trained more on how to bike safely and sharpen your cycling skills, it is a good idea to join a cycling community. The trainers of the cycling community can provide you a big help.
Have you heard of the SpokeHerd community?
SpokeHerd community is a vibrant group of cyclists who follows the same passion of riding a bike. They are like-minded people bought together to make this world a better place to live. They do this by encouraging people to adopt cycling as their main transport. Also, they promote cycling as a healthy way of living.
SHC is a community that shares a beautiful message that cycling is the bond that can connect anyone no matter if you are a beginner, advanced or intermediate. They are a good inspiration for society spreading environmental awareness to all.
Cyclists are passionate about riding bikes, and it is a fact that nothing can stop them from riding, even hand soreness. But this does not mean you should ignore it altogether. You can follow the above suggestion to avoid soreness. However, if it appears anyway, do not forget to consult a doctor before it gets worse.