5 Ways to Stay Hydrated During Peak Summers | Spoke Herd India | Events / Rides / Shop / SpokePedia / Rentals / Marketplace
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5 Ways to Stay Hydrated During Peak Summers

Not having the required amount of water, you may face dehydration. The term may seem easygoing at times, but in reality, it is not that easy a thing to deal with it. The basic symptoms of dehydration are cramps, intense thirst, loss of appetite, lightheadedness, and mild constipation.

5 Ways to Stay Hydrated During Peak Summers
Written by Editorial

Water is one of the most essential and basic things that every living being requires. 60% of the human body comprises water. Without a sufficient amount of water in the body, there will be high chances of dehydration in the body. Having a sufficient amount of water is crucial, especially during peak summers. It is the most essential thing that is required for all the biochemical reactions that happen inside the body. Water helps to supply a sufficient amount of nutrients to the body. It aids to remove the body's wastes. It controls the temperature of the body and maintains a balanced and proper blood circulation inside the body.

Not having the required amount of water, you may face dehydration. The term may seem easygoing at times, but in reality, it is not that easy a thing to deal with it. The basic symptoms of dehydration are cramps, intense thirst, loss of appetite, lightheadedness, and mild constipation.


Tips to Stay Hydrated

Water can help in a lot of body functioning. It helps digestion, cushions the joints, prevents constipation, helps to keep the heartbeat stable, and acts as a protection to tissues and other vital organs. To make your body function correctly, you must stay hydrated. During such peak summers, your body will need more water as compared to other seasons. Therefore, you must drink water off and on to avoid dehydration. Here are some ways that will help you to stay hydrated during the peak summers.

1.     Drink Drink and Drink

Drinking water is the first and foremost way to stay hydrated. The amount of water intake depends on sex, age, pregnancy, and a few sicknesses. Get a habit of waking up to water. This simply means drink water when you wake up. Drink water before you go to bed. Have water post your means and workout sessions. The more water you drink, the lesser there will be chances of dehydration. Apart from these, you must have the water off and on during the other times of the day.


2.     Understand the Signs of Dehydration

If you are dehydrated, your body will speak. You must understand your body’s language. It is the only way you will know if your body is dehydrated or not. If your skin feels dry, inflamed, itchy, irritated, or sensitive then you are dehydrated and immediate water consumption is a must. A bad headache, dizzy feeling, or intense fatigue can also be considered dehydration signs. Muscle cramps, fainting, fast breathing, no urine, or even dark yellow urine are dehydration signs too. If you go through any of these symptoms then drinking lots of water is the only way out.


3.     Checking the Urine

Urination is directly connected to dehydration. If you are hydrated, the amount of urination will be more as well as the color of the urine would be transparent. However, if you see that the amount of urination is not that much or the color of the urine has changed to dark yellow then understand that your body is dehydrated and it needs a lot of fluids. However, the color of the urine can also be an outcome of the medicines you take (if any). If you do not take any extra medication then the reason is nothing else but dehydration.


4.     Avoid Caffeine, Sugary Drinks, and Alcohol

While liquids help you to remain hydrated, some liquids do the reverse. Drinking these will make you dehydrated. These kinds of drinks include sugary sodas, coffee, sweet tea, lemonade, flavored milk, smoothies, energy drinks, hard drinks, wine, beer, etc. These are considered to be enemies of hydration. These drinks are full of sugar and various other ingredients that make the tissues dry up. Therefore, it is a must for you to avoid these if you want to stay hydrated. Instead drink water as much as you want to.


5.     Cooling Yourself Down

If you think water is the only way to avoid dehydration during the peak summers then you are not correct. Yes, water plays a major role in keeping you hydrated, however, there are other things too that you must follow if you want to remain hydrated. Try wearing clothes that are lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting. Do not wear dark colors during summers since it will attract more heat and make the temperature of the body high. Avoid activities that may strain your body. The extreme strain on the body can not only lead to dehydration but may also lead to strokes. Use sun protections like shades, sun hats, etc.



At the end of the day, we need to remember that our body is ours. We need to maintain it properly if we want to stay healthy. The extreme heat during the summers is painful. The heat makes you sweat, this can be one of the major causes of dehydration. You cannot avoid sweating. It is not in your control What you can control is your liquid intake which can combat the amount you sweat out. Hence, drink water, stay hydrated stay safe!

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