Riding on mountains is not the most comfortable thing you do as a cyclist. Flat roads and streets are fun, relaxing, and less challenging. But the panorama completely changes when it comes to riding on mountains. In addition to this, you also need to keep into consideration the basic mountain trail etiquettes.
And trust us when we say this, it’s highly unnegotiable when you are actually up on the hills riding your bike. Ultimately, you should be prepared for the worst when you are riding on the hills. So, to help you prepare, we have some tips ready for you to consider and adopt.
So here we go with some of the basic mountain bike trail etiquette:
1. Learn to Control Your Bike
While riding on hills, you should always have firm control of your bike. Mountains are full of surprises and so are its lanes. Keep your speed and momentum in check at all times. Always stay cautious and alert of the roads, surroundings, and twists and turns. The more you have control over your bike while you are cycling, the more you can protect yourself from unforeseen risks and accidents.
2. Always Put Your Helmet On
It’s obvious but not many cyclists follow this basic rule. Wearing a helmet becomes even more important when you ride on a not-so-flat road with multiple bumps that can cause you to stumble and fall at times. So, to protect yourself and avoid any minor injuries, make it a point to always wear a helmet.
3. Stop Skidding, Strat Paddling
On hills, you start with skidding for fun but it can gradually lead to a fatal and dangerous situation. You might end up hurting yourself, destroying the bike and the tires, and even creating an unnecessary mess with sand, gravel, and stones.
4. Come Prepared with Tools
Always come prepared with your cycling tool as hills and mountains can bring you shock and surprise. The uneven paths can increase the chances for the tires to get punctured which can become troublesome in the middle of a mountain. So, to avoid getting into such a fussy situation, always carry along the safety toolkit with you.
5. Littering Trails is a Big No-No
Trailing can become less efficient, annoying, and unsatisfactory when there’s litter all around. It goes on like a chain which a cyclist starts and only a cyclist can end. Take a pledge to never litter the mountains or hills as it would get inconvenient to you and the other cyclists at some point in time.
6. Ride Open Trails
When on mountains, always follow the open trails. It makes no point to go all the way to a restricted area and violate the rules. This can welcome more trouble than excitement. To make your cyclist sessions memorable, pleasant, and exciting, adopt the freeways and enjoy the ride to the fullest.
7. Always Be Cautious While Taking Turns
Mountains and hills can be tricky and extremely dangerous. Use conscious use of brakes and give yourself a moment to pause and take any and every turn on the mountain ride.
8. Plan Your Ride
Be prepared and research the area you are going to visit next for conducting your cycling sessions. Study and familiarise yourself with the area and get all the safety equipment ready well in advance to avoid any mis happenings and complexity.
Final Words
Mountain bike rides are a lot bumpy, uncomfortable, and can also cause significant bodily discomfort. So, before you are already high in spirits to make your way through the mountains on your bike, make sure to keep in mind the tips we shared for a safe and fun ride.