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A Guide to Packing Your Panniers

A Pannier is a bag, basket or a container which is carried on back or is attached to the side of a bicycle.

A Guide to Packing Your Panniers
Written by Editorial

A Pannier is a bag, basket or a container which is carried on back or is attached to the side of a bicycle.

When touring with panniers it is advised to keep the weight between 15 to 45 pounds. To make sure your bicycle maintains a balance, you should keep more weight in the front panniers, the ratio between the front and the back panniers should be 60-40. But you can experiment with weight distribution to find the best handling results for your bicycle.

Items to carry in the front pannier are: tools, spare bike parts, cooking equipment, fuel bottles, food, and on-the-bike clothing whereas light, bulky items like clothes, your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and tent are usually strapped to the rear rack

Before packing, line your panniers and sleeping bag stuff sack with heavy-duty plastic garbage bags. Try to roll your clothing and pack them vertically to identify with ease and avoid wrinkling.

Here’s a List of Everything you can Carry in our Panniers:

These are the essentials that Spoke Herd advises you to keep in mind.

Happy Cycling!

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