Getting colder? Ride the winter through with our tips | Spoke Herd India | Events / Rides / Shop / SpokePedia / Rentals / Marketplace
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Getting colder? Ride the winter through with our tips

The coldest months are here, and you have to get out there and make the most of them.

Getting colder? Ride the winter through with our tips
Written by Editorial

When the temperature drops and the air gets crisp, it's time to get out and ride.

In India, there are endless opportunities for riders of all levels. Whether you want to go on a quick jaunt through the forest or take your bike on the road for an epic adventure across the country, there's something for everyone. Winter is the season of snow, ice, and cold, but that doesn't mean you can't get outside and have some fun in the snow.

Tips to enjoy winter cycling

The coldest months are here, and you have to get out there and make the most of them.

Whether you're riding a bike or skiing down a mountain, there's something to be said for the thrill of being outside in the cold air. But don't just go out and ride your bike around your neighborhood—you need to make sure you're prepared for winter cycling. Here are some tips:

Dress for Cold Weather

The temperature can plummet quickly, so layers are key—and don't forget about your head and face!

The first step to cold-weather cycling is dressing in layers. Start with a warm base layer and an outer layer that's windproof and water-resistant. You'll want a hat to cover your ears and face, as well as sunglasses or goggles that protect your eyes from cold winds, dense air, smog, windblown snowflakes, and ice crystals if any.

If you plan on biking in the snow, consider bringing a bike that has studded tires—these are designed to grip better than non-studded tires when the road is covered with snow or ice. For more information on choosing the right bike for winter cycling, check out our rent-a-bike page here!

Fuel Up Properly

Winter biking requires more energy than summer biking because you'll need extra calories to keep yourself warm during cold rides and prevent dehydration caused by sweating more often than usual. To prepare for the winter biking season, try eating more carbohydrates (low-fat dairy products like yogurt) at breakfast time so that you have plenty of energy throughout the day—and avoid skipping meals altogether if necessary!

Fuel up with plenty of a healthy diet before you leave. Cycling burns more calories than running or walking, so make sure you have enough food and water on hand to last until you get home.

Hydrate Properly

If it's really cold out (below freezing), drink warm fluids like hot tea or coffee before riding so that your body doesn't start to cool down while you're riding. If the weather gets too cold for your body to regulate its own temperature properly, it's possible that dehydration could set in and cause hypothermia (which is even more dangerous than freezing). Always drink plenty of water before starting out on your ride.

Keep yourself dry

Make sure your feet are dry before you start riding so they don't slip out of your shoes—or worse yet, freeze! To ensure dry feet, wear waterproof socks (no cotton!), boots with grommets at the bottom (to keep snow out), and heavy-duty biking pants with zippers all over them so they don't get wet while riding through puddles or slushy roads.

Light the way up

Use a headlamp if you ride at night or in low light conditions where visibility is limited for drivers on the roadways around you (like when there's fog).

Service your bike

Make sure your bike is safe! If possible, find someone who knows how to fix bikes before hitting the road; otherwise, make sure your bike is tuned up properly and has fresh oil inside its wheels before heading out into the winter weather.

Winter is the time for hibernation, but not for the riders! They are out on the streets and trails every day, exploring the city, trying new things, and meeting new people.

Whether you're riding around town or hitting the hills, we've got the gear to keep you warm and safe.

About Spokeherd

Spokeherd is a cycling enthusiast brand that helps you enjoy every ride.

We believe in the power of community, and we want to make sure everyone has access to fun and safe bike rides. We consider every cyclist to be able to ride comfortably, safely, and in style, and we work to make this possible for all of our customers.

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