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How does Alcohol consumption impact cyclists ?

As the doctors always suggest that intake of anything to a certain limit is permissible whereas an excess of it can ruin your health!

How does Alcohol consumption impact cyclists ?
Written by Editorial

Cycling is a physical art for every cyclist. This passion does not end to the extent of cycling alone; it opens up doors to unseen adventures.

A cyclist is expected to stick to a particular routine and diet to support consistency and better physical health. A planned diet and consequent workouts will make it all.

As a cyclist, sticking to a routine and not cheating on your diet can prove to be beneficial to you in many ways.

As the doctors always suggest that intake of anything to a certain limit is permissible whereas an excess of it can ruin your health!

Consumption of alcohol to a certain limit can be good but excess of it can cause damage to both physical and mental health.

What are the Pros of consuming alcohol as a cyclist?

What are the Cons of consuming alcohol as a cyclist?

As there is a solution to every problem likewise, you even have a supplement in place of alcohol too.

You can switch to wine, which is quite beneficial to your health instead of alcohol, which shields you against various heart and other chronic diseases.

What kind of diet or food should a cyclist have?

As a cyclist, you need to furnish your body with a good amount of nutrients and also make sure your intake of protein is intact as prescribed.

Moving ahead, as cycling is also an art of muscles and involves continuous movement of the same so you must always keep yourself hydrated so you don’t break an energetic adventure.

It is obvious that as a cyclist you are always conscious about your diet plan, weight, and health balancing intake between carbohydrates and protein.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the alcohol issue. Apart from consciously reducing the intake volume and working on a sustainable healthy diet, there is no escape route.

SpokeHerd believes alcohol, even in limits, has the potential to hamper your health and not only the cycling routine. Abstaining from it is a great way to regain control and work towards your fitness and career goals.

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