Bikes are considered vehicles and are expected to follow all rules of the road.
Bicycles offer an enjoyable and frequently very practical method of transportation for their riders.
Bicycling is one of the best ways to get exercise, see the sights and reduce your carbon footprint. Cycling can also be an enjoyable hobby and a great form of exercise. Unfortunately, cycling, like many recreational activities, comes with the risk of injury. There are many ways to prevent bicycle accidents. Taking precautions is one of them.
Don’t Get Distracted
Don’t listen to music or talk on the phone while riding. Stay Alertand keep a lookout for obstacles in your path. Ride in a straight line and try to be predictable in your movements – effective positioning will help you be seen on the road. Don’t use mobile devices or headphones while cycling – stay distraction-free
Wear a helmet and use lights
Wear your helmet. Use lights, reflectors, and bright clothing to see and be seen. Lights are required by law in the time between ½ hour after sunset and ½ hour before sunrise. You must have reflectors on your pedals or on your ankles. You may use as many lights and reflectors as you wish. Everyone should wear a properly fitting helmet anytime they ride a bike.
Plan to Be Seen
- Wear neon, fluorescent or other bright clothing
- Whenever possible, ride during the day
- If you must ride at night, wear reflective clothing and use flashing lights
Always use hand signals when turning, slowing down or stopping; before passing other road users, shoulder check and use your bell or your voice.
Respect Road Rules
Bikes are allowed on any road, except portions of many highways. Bicycles have similar road rights to motor vehicles, and must also obey traffic signals, signs and right-of-way rules.
Know the Road & Plan Your Route
When cycling to a new destination or along a new route, use an updated cycling map to plan before you ride. Determine the best route for your ability and experience.
Perform a strict pre-ride checklist
Assess your bicycle and its road-readiness. Go through a check list to ensure your bicycle is appropriately sized and maintained.
Always inspect your bike prior to riding
- The seat should be adjusted to the proper height and locked in place
- Make certain all parts are secure and working properly
- Check that the tires are inflated properly
- Make sure the bike is equipped with reflectors on the rear, front, pedals and spokes
- A horn or bell, a rear-view mirror and a bright headlight also are recommended
Danger can occur if the bicycle fails at the wrong time. Having a quick pre-ride checklist to ensure your bicycle is safe can decrease the risk of injury.
Stay alert, stay safe!