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How To Make Your Saddle Comfortable For Long Rides

When you are planning to ride for a long period of time it is important to have a comfortable saddle. This will prevent any chafing or soreness. Bike saddles are usually made out of steel, plastic, or leather; all of which are uncomfortable.

How To Make Your Saddle Comfortable For Long Rides
Written by Editorial

When you are planning to ride for a long period of time it is important to have a comfortable saddle. This will prevent any chafing or soreness. Bike saddles are usually made out of steel, plastic, or leather; all of which are uncomfortable. 

Of course, you could throw money at the problem simply by buying a new bike. But if you’re looking for a better long-term solution, try out our superior saddle that has ergonomic foam lining and is significantly more comfortable. But this isn’t a long-term solution, is it?

If you’re a cyclist who experiences discomfort while riding, there are a few things you can do to relieve it.

So, here are some simple and quick hacks you can do to make your saddle more comfortable in the shorter run:

i) First, use some saddle soap to clean it and to help it retain its shape.

ii) Then, condition the saddle with some leather conditioner. This will keep the hide soft and prevent any cracking or tearing.

iii) Finally, use an oil-based saddle cream and rub it into the leather and the edges of the saddle. This will help to keep the leather soft and prevent it from drying out and cracking.

But keep reading further as that is just not it! Because we have some serious talking to do about saddles!

5 Effective Ways To Make Your Saddle Comfortable For Longer Rides

1. Get The Right Saddle At The First Place

Finding a comfortable saddle begins with measuring the width of your hips. It has to be wide enough to accommodate your weight well, or you may experience pain during a ride. If you get a saddle that is too narrow, the pressure of the rider will be concentrated on a small area and may cause serious damage.

This is about even weight distribution, so narrow or wide seats don’t always make the cut. Narrow ones generate friction between the seat and crotch, and anything too wide hinders proper weight distribution.

The key here is to make yourself familiar with your sit bones, or ischial tuberosities, because the measurement will help you to choose the right saddle.

2. Always Go For Thin Saddle Padding

We recommend using a thin padding on your bike seat cover for a better cycling experience. Thick padding isn’t always ideal for cycling, as it can be too thick and it might put pressure on your sit bones. This could make cycling difficult. Bike seat covers with a thin padding don’t make the bike harder to control, and they provide a cushioning effect to the saddle. They also enhance the overall sturdiness of the bike for a better cycling experience.

3. Adjust Saddle The Way It’s Meant To Be 

Most of the time, the quality of the build is just right, the cushioning is up to scratch, and performance optimization is on point. But the worrisome trait here is something different. The reason you’re finding saddle sores could be that your saddle is positioned incorrectly. This can be solved by adjusting your seat until you find a more comfortable, aerodynamic position. Reclining your seat or adjusting your handlebars can make a huge difference in comfort when riding for long distances. If you want to avoid pain in your knees and lower back, try adjusting the saddle and seat post and/or handlebars until you find a position that feels good.

Make sure you’re not holding the seat too far forward or too far back. The seat should be relatively leveled, so there’s no need to go overboard with the adjustments.

4. Pay Attention To Your Sitting Position

Because your body is supposed to remain in balance, when you rest your weight on the saddle, it can cause pain in your back and neck. Sitting upright with your full body weight on the saddle will not only cause back pain, but also cause a sore behind. Also, you shouldn’t sit too far forward on the saddle if you want to have a more enjoyable ride.

An important tip to remember here is, you don’t want to be the cyclist who sits forward on the seat only to have their buttocks hanging over the edge. Otherwise, you’re going to be in a whole load of pain. Push your buttocks back so that no skin is touching the seat. If you sit too far forward, you will damage yourself.

Scientists have discovered that cyclists who sit on the nose of their bike’s seats put more pressure on the crucial nerves, which undermines blood flow, and result in pain and uneasiness. So watch out!

5. Don’t Give Up On Riding Bike

The right saddle, like the right ergonomic chair, might make you uncomfortable because it will force your body to change how you’ve been accustomed to sitting. But the key is to keep riding your bicycle, here why! You need some time before getting used and accustomed to it.

If you don’t feel comfortable with a new saddle, keep riding your bike while sitting on it. Eventually, the comfort level should go up. And provided that you give the system the right adjustment, you should be okay. If the discomfort doesn’t go away over a few days, the problem could be the seat. It might not fit your sit bones as it should, and instead exert pressure on the fleshy parts of your bottom.

6. Re-Check The Positioning Of Your Cleat

The three contact points with a bike are the feet, the hands, and the butt. Your feet should be positioned over your pedals to make sure you can push down on them as hard as possible. Cadence is a more of a concept that can be used more broadly on a bike, and it means a rhythm or rate of repetitions per unit of time. Even on relatively shorter bike rides, you will spin the pedals countless times. If your feet are attached to the pedals in the wrong position, then it will cause problems with ankle, knee, and hip pain.

The most common way to set up cleats is to have them positioned in line with the ball of your foot, angled straight. If you experience discomfort, try adjusting the position of the pedals. You may have to change the position of your feet on each pedal, depending on how it feels.

The Bottom Line

Last but not the least, if you’re going to buy a new bike, make sure it’s the right size. This means visiting a proper bike fitter, who will take all the vital measurements and recommend the ideal. Cyclists like you feel pain on different terrains. Good news, though: your saddle is adjustable, so you can fix the problem. Adjust your seat now if you haven’t yet.

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