And what better way to start a new year than with a new set of goals? We're here to help you achieve them!
There's no better time than now to get out there and make some serious progress on your pedaling legs. You've been working hard all year, and now it's time to reap the rewards. Whether it's riding more miles or training more intensely, let us know how we can help you reach those goals! Join our cycling community!
Your cycling resolutions
You don't want to be like everyone else who says they're going to go running, then never does. You want something that's going to give you a little push in the right direction while you're still giving yourself time to form good habits.
So what are some good cycling resolutions? Here are few ideas from our side that can change your overall cycling experience:
· Try not to ride on flat roads more than once a week.
· Ride at least 20 minutes longer than normal each time you go out.
· Buy one new bike part every month until your bike is fully restored (with all original parts).
· Try new trails atleast once a month.
· Maintain your bike after every long trail.
· Keep you mind and body ready for any type of cycling trip.
Sticking to your cycling resolutions
According to a study by the National Weight Control Registry, about 50% of people make New Year’s resolutions and only about 32% of them keep them for the whole year.
One of the best ways to make your New Year's resolutions stick is to isolate them from all other obligations. Why? Because if you're keeping track of what you eat, how many miles you ride, and how many workouts you do, it can be hard to maintain a consistent routine when other commitments come up.
So how do you make sure your cycling resolutions stick? Here are some tips from our team:
1. Make a clear goal - Think about what you want to accomplish, then break it down into smaller goals that will help achieve your overall goal. For example, if your goal is to get in shape, you might decide that you want to walk more than usual during the first month of the year (to help build up your leg muscles) and start riding your bike more often after that (to get your heart rate up).
2. Set a deadline - All too often we put off important tasks until tomorrow or next week because we don’t know how much time they will take or what steps are necessary to complete them properly. Setting deadlines helps us focus on what needs to be done right now instead of leaving things hanging or waiting until “later”.
3. Start small and add new - For example, if your New Year's resolution is to bike more often, try taking one ride each week instead of trying to hit 10 rides in a month. Make sure that each ride counts as part of your overall goal: If you want to bike 20 miles per day on average over the course of the next year, then don't just aim for two rides each week. Instead, aim for three (one long ride and two shorter ones).
Once you've accomplished something small like this, try setting yourself up for success by adding new items into your "to do" list for each week! Maybe you've always wanted a new helmet but never gotten around to buying one because it seemed too expensive—now's the time!
4. Make a new habit - You know that saying "it takes 21 days to form a habit" is a total bluff? Well, maybe it works for other things—but habits are formed in seconds and weeks, not months or years. So don't worry about making this process last forever—just stick with it for a few weeks and see how it goes!
5. Reward yourself along the way – Giving a pat in the back is the best thing you can do to motivate yourself. Treat yourself with some cycling merchandises, favourite food, travel/cycle to your favourite destination etc everytime you complete a goal. This is going to keep you looking forward to completing your goal and your eyes on the prize.
Don't let the New Year's resolution chatter fool you: no matter when you start and no matter what your goal is, it's never too late to make a change. If you want to ride more, that's great! If you want to ride more often, even better! New Year's resolution is one thing, but actually sticking to it is another! It takes time and effort to make changes in your diet or exercise routine—but once you've made the decision to make a change, it can be difficult to stick with it.
About Spokeherd
Spokeherd is a community of people who love to ride bikes and are willing to take on any challenge that comes their cycling way. Our goal is to make sure that everyone has access to a bike so they can enjoy the great outdoors, whether they're riding across town or across the country. We've cycling merchandize that fit the needs of cyclists, we have bikes that are available for buying and renting for every type of terrain so whether you're starting out or riding like an expert, Spokeherd has something for everyone!