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The Correct Way to Sit on Your Saddle

Before knowing the correct way to sit on the saddle, let’s see why it is important. And to appreciate its importance, we need to understand the ill-effects of sitting improperly on the saddle.

The Correct Way to Sit on Your Saddle
Written by Editorial

Are you thinking — “Why is Spoke Herd talking about this? It is so simple”?

Well, in the SHC and on social media, we have observed a vital flaw in cyclists’ riding style. And yes, it is regarding the way the rider is sitting on the saddle.

For many, this issue doesn’t even qualify as a mistake. However, this mistake can leave the rider with permanent pain and often without many remedies to rely on.

Before knowing the correct way to sit on the saddle, let’s see why it is important. And to appreciate its importance, we need to understand the ill-effects of sitting improperly on the saddle.

Sit bone pain

This is a term used to describe the pain in the perineum region. It is located in between the genitals and the anus. Also known as saddle soreness, sit bone pain is a direct result of improper sitting position. 

Spring knee

The pedaling motion needs the knees to be engaged at all times. And while cycling, the knees are in an unconventional position where they protrude in front of the toes.

Spring knee is caused when you’re sitting position disturbs the equal distribution of weight. 

Irregular blood flow

Another common issue based on the observation by Spoke Herd riders is narrow sitting positions. This brings the legs closer together and restricts the blood flow to the pelvic region.

Lower back pain

Imbalance in sitting postures and lower back pain are directly related. If you are too forward, the center of gravity shifts. This puts a lot of stress on the lower back which is awkwardly extended. Also, this furthers into discomfort in the groin region.

So, we know the issues concerning the improper style of sitting on the saddle. Moving on, let us understand the healthy and correct way of sitting on the saddle.

Where should you sit on the saddle?

Sitting on the back-end of the saddle is often recommended. This is to ensure your hips and pelvic region have a wide base to rely on. Also, the mid-portion and the nose of the saddle are to be left alone as much as possible. 

By sitting in this manner, your posture is more upright and stable. Also, this allows for equal distribution of body weight. Unless you have amazing flexibility in the hips and spinal flexors, a more upright posture is always beneficial.

How should you sit on the saddle?

The SH Community has observed many riders who have neglected this facet of riding. When you sit, you not only rest your butt on the saddle and ride, but you also provide a base for your upper body. 

With a loose upper body, your butt tends to shift during the ride to achieve the most comfortable position. And in cycling, comfort and safety rarely go hand-in-hand.

So, engaging the muscles in the core is necessary to create a stable base. By tightening the lower abdominals, the upper body stays still during the ride. This means there is no requirement for unnecessary movements during the ride.

A stable core is also beneficial for the ideal pelvic alignment. 

Now, you know the right way to sit on a bicycle saddle. Moving on, can you further improve your riding experience?

A resounding yes.

Choosing the right saddle is a key solution to this. Tips to have the perfect saddle for your ride.

Why the last tip? 

Understand that your body needs some time to adapt to the saddle size and design. So, when you choose a saddle, use it for a substantial time before deciding on its utility.

Having understood the right way to sit on your saddle, hop onto your cycle now and review it for yourself. Spoke Herd wishes you a safe ride.

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